Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
Halloween is only a few days away and Halloween parties are right around the corner. With this, comes panicking to throw together last minute affordable, yet stylish costumes. After frantically scrolling through Pinterest and styling videos, here are some last minute costumes you can throw together, mainly with items already in your closet!
Black clothes and makeup costume variations:
1. Black Cat
All you need is a black top and bottoms and some form of black makeup, whether that e lipstick or eyeliner. Draw on some whiskers and you’re ready to go!
Courtesy of @Instagram on Pinterest
2. Vampire
All you need for this costume is an all black outfit. Use red lipstick or other kind of make up to add fake blood to your face or other areas you deem fit. Spice this look up with some lace!
Courtesy of @Honey Siren on Pinterest
3. Spy
For this look, all you need is a slick all black outfit, preferably with a leather jacket and black shades.
Courtesy of @Celeste! on Pinterest
4. Secret Service
Similar to the spy, add in a button up top for a more official look.
Courtesy of @Modern Fashion on Pinterest
5. Men in Black
For this look, you’ll need a white button up top, black blazer, and black bottoms. Throw in a pair of black shades and slicked back hair to complete the look.
Courtesy of @It’s Claudia G on Pinterest
Simple clothes you might have in your closet:
1. Mime
You need: a black and white striped top. Add some white face makeup and expressions for an extra touch!
Courtesy of Yassira on Pinterest
2. Wednesday Addams
You need: a black dress, white colored shirt, and black tie. Throw your hair up into two long side braids to complete this!
Courtesy of @Hebarrietty on Pinterest
With these last minute ideas, I hope your costume hunting is a bit less stressful! For more tips and costume ideas, check out Pinterest and TikTok under the hashtag #diycostumes or #lastminutecostumes!
Featured image courtesy of on Pinterest